Reading Strategies for Parents and Educators: Supporting Children with Dyslexia

Reading Strategies for Parents and Educators: Supporting Children with Dyslexia

Dec 16, 2023

Dec 16, 2023

Navigating the world of dyslexia can be challenging for both parents and educators. Children with dyslexia often face unique obstacles when it comes to reading. However, with the right strategies and understanding, parents and educators can significantly ease these challenges. This blog post explores effective reading strategies that can be used to support children with dyslexia in their learning journey.

Understanding Dyslexia

Before delving into the strategies, it's crucial to understand that dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. It's not related to a child's intelligence but rather how their brain processes language.

1. Create a Supportive Reading Environment

  • Encourage a Love for Reading: Make reading a positive experience. Use audiobooks and read aloud sessions to create a love for stories, which can motivate children to read.

  • Set Up a Comfortable Reading Space: A quiet, well-lit area dedicated to reading can help minimize distractions and make reading sessions more enjoyable.

2. Choose the Right Reading Materials

  • Dyslexia-Friendly Books: Opt for books with dyslexia-friendly formatting - larger print, well-spaced text, and a clear font.

  • Interest-Based Selection: Choose books that align with the child’s interests to keep them engaged.

3. Implement Multisensory Techniques

  • Use Visual Aids: Pictures, charts, and graphs can help children understand and retain information.

  • Incorporate Tactile Activities: Activities like tracing words in sand or forming letters with clay can reinforce learning through touch.

4. Break Down Reading into Smaller Steps

  • Focus on Phonics: Teach reading by breaking words down into their phonetic components. This helps in understanding how letters combine to form sounds and words.

  • Segment Reading Sessions: Short, regular reading sessions are more effective than longer, less frequent ones.

5. Encourage Regular Practice

  • Routine Reading Time: Establish a consistent daily reading routine to build habit and confidence.

  • Patience and Praise: Celebrate small achievements to encourage progress and build self-esteem.

6. Use Technology Wisely

  • Leverage Reading Apps: Utilize apps designed to aid dyslexic readers, like the one our blog represents, which can be tailored to individual needs.

7. Collaboration Between Home and School

  • Open Communication: Ensure there is a consistent approach and open lines of communication between home and school. Share strategies and progress.

  • Professional Support: Don’t hesitate to seek advice from educational psychologists or specialists in dyslexia.


Remember, the goal is not just to improve reading skills, but to instill confidence and a love for learning. Every child’s journey with dyslexia is unique, and what works for one child may not work for another. Patience, understanding, and a willingness to adapt your approach are key. With these strategies, parents and educators can offer invaluable support to children with dyslexia, helping them to not only improve their reading skills but also to thrive in their educational journey.

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Start improving your reading skills now

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© Copyright 2024 Onlabs Infotech

Start improving your reading skills now

Join over 5,000+ families and get your own dyslexia companion

© Copyright 2024 Onlabs Infotech

Start improving your reading skills now

Join over 5,000+ families and get your own dyslexia companion

© Copyright 2024 Onlabs Infotech